This time making cupcakes was a hoot for a few reasons. The night I made the red velvet (from a REALLY great recipe I have for a red velvet cake), things all went smoothly until I was placing the cupcakes into the oven. Now, anyone who knows the process of a red velvet cake knows it's not exactly the cheapest or fastest recipe (in comparison to others of course). I opened the oven and saw that there was a spot of red batter running down the pan so I licked my finger. I almost dropped the pan! I forgot to add sugar! I turned to the counter and saw the opened sugar container with a partially-filled measuring cup. It cracked me up so much because I almost would've cooked all of them and had them at a party! So, into the trash they went (after my husband tried it and did his signature gag reflux, even if he does eat things like durian. Apparently this sugarless red velvet batter tasted that much worse than durian. YEAH RIGHT!). So, another batch later (with all the sugar it needed), they turned out much better. I decided to fill these with THE best cream cheese frosting I've ever used. I am not one to love frosting, but this kind turned out to be divine.
So, after making the decorations to top them off, I loaded them into the car and that particular day it just happened to be hotter than usual. Well, the cupcakes noticed too.
The Best cupcakes I have ever had.... LOVE them... and I love you thank you for everything...